
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your comments and questions are valuable to us and allow us to evolve with the constant vision to offer you healthy, effective, versatile and pleasant products for most of them.

Some requests, such as creating a sweet, foaming toothpaste, were refused. You will find the explanations below.

Other suggestions were taken into account, such as creating a day cream.
Your trust and your interest remain our main support.

While many dentists advocate fluoride toothpaste and attribute cavities to its lack, we have decided since the creation of our care line not to put it in our toothpaste for teeth and gum – or in any other of our products.

For more than 15 years, the use of fluoride has been increasingly controversial, even by the WHO. Here are some links if you want to know more.

Fluoride: neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity 2014

Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia and other cognitive disorders affect millions of children worldwide and some diagnoses appear to be increasing in frequency. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have highlighted six other neurotoxins: manganese, fluorine, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), tetrachlorethylene, and polybromodiphenyl ethers. Of course, there are still other neurotoxicants to be discovered. To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy.

Diverse Effects

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death?

  1. Fluoride has been associated with increased risk of cancer. Read article
  2. Fluoride does not improve dental health. Read article
  3. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and causes calcification.  Read article
  4. 97% of Western Europe does not fluoridate their drinking water. Read article
  5. Fluoride causes reduced IQ and other neurological issues in children. Read article
  6. Fluoride adversely affects fertility. Read article
  7. Fluoride has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Read article

Titanium dioxide is a white powder used as a colorant to whiten or intensify the shine of food products and cosmetics (E171 or TiO2).

It whitens the teeth but can have harmful effects on health and the environment when it is in the form of nanoparticles which enter the blood and are likely to generate oxidative stress, to weaken the immune system, to generate a intestinal porosity and pre-cancerous lesions of the colon …

We chose to use the walnut bark traditionally used in North Africa to clean teeth and gums and naturally whiten teeth.

In Europe, mistrust of this ingredient is much greater than in North America.

Between the ‘pleasure’ of foam and prioritizing your safety, we did not hesitate. No corrosive chemical surfactants to lather as they strip our mouth and skin! Sodium Lauryl Sulfate for example increases the risk of inflammation and infection of the gums by generating canker sores, gingivitis, etc.

Widely used a few years ago, this powerful antibacterial agent has proven to be an endocrine disruptor in more ways than one: it would act not only on estrogen hormones, but also on thyroid function. In addition, it increases bacterial resistance to antibiotics and is very irritating. (toothpaste, soaps, disinfectants). Given the natural ingredients we use (essential oils, clays), there is no need to add chemical antimicrobial agents to just extend the shelf life of our products at the expense of health.

We are used to having our toothpaste foaming and sweet. A habit that may be cost effective quite quickly! Sugar is the poison of modern times. We managed to sell us the idea that we clean our mouths by introducing sugar while it is an ideal place of fermentation given the rich microflora in our mouth. Sugar has an acidic pH. It will inevitably end up unbalancing our oral flora by generating bad breath, weakening of the teeth (cavities) and gums (gingivitis), digestive problems, etc.

So we preferred to offer you a salty toothpaste because the salt reduces the risk of cavities because it is anti-microbial and because it helps to heal the gums (healing action).

Our toothpaste is deliberately salted, completely safe and perfectly edible. Sure it can take a while to get used to the clay and the salty taste. We invite you to give the product a chance by trying 3 days and you will then decide if the benefits obtained are worth it J)

Clay can dry out without adding a humectant. Which we did not add because it does not meet our vision to add Sodium hexametaphosphate E452i or Propylene glycol, for example. We chose the option of being able to add a few drops of pure water if the product begins to dry out.

Also in a jar the loss is zero compared to that of a tube (can reach 20%)

Finally, it allows you to add essential oils of your choice if you wish to.
In terms of hygiene, it is possible to use a stick to collect the paste. Otherwise the clay is bacteriostatic, that is to say that it naturally prevents the growth of bacteria. With traditional food preservation techniques we use (essential oils, plants, clays) our toothpaste is well protected for at least 18 months, the’ best before ’date being an indicator.

It may vary from 18 to 30 months depending on the product.
Clay solid products are the most sensitive, toothpastes and masks: 18 months
Emulsions Facial Cleansing Care, Under eye bag treatment, Body Veil: 24 months

Oily solutions or solid cream Youth Serum, Bath Lotion, Protective Cream, Lip Balm: 30 months

After this time, the product may lose its original scent or texture, but often retains its effectiveness. For example, past date power cream can be used on the feet.

Tooth paste can help with pimples, small wounds, insect bites because of its antiseptic ingredients and clay helps stop bleeding.

The power cream also calms irritations and helps to heal.
The glamor mask can be used as a foundation if you mix a little with a drop of Youth Serum.

All our essential oils are organic or wild. They are selected according to their traditionally recognized virtues, their smell, their impact on the skin, their impact on the mood, their method of extraction.

Each product was created for a specific need, at the request of relatives or customers.

Our customers have been asking us for a day cream for years. ‘Préciosa’ will be marketed before autumn 2020 after 2 years of testing on the founder herself who formulated it and on a willing and always enthusiastic relatives to try our products.

We are also working on creating new versions of some of our products for those who don’t like or can’t stand the bitter orange (neroli), rose, geranium, patchouli, jasmine essential oils.

We are a company on a human scale. Our customers and our interaction with them is outstanding to us. We want them to feel respected, heard, and have their orders shipped in the best possible conditions. We are happy to offer them travel size products, either chosen by them or because we think it might suit them. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about the high shipping rates in Canada. But we do everything in our power to serve our customers well, wherever they are!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your comments and questions are valuable to us and allow us to evolve with the constant vision to offer you healthy, effective, versatile and pleasant products for most of them.

Some requests, such as creating a sweet, foaming toothpaste, were refused. You will find the explanations below.

Other suggestions were taken into account, such as creating a day cream.
Your trust and your interest remain our main support.

Why we don’t want fluoride in our toothpaste?

While many dentists advocate fluoride toothpaste and attribute cavities to its lack, we have decided since the creation of our care line not to put it in our toothpaste for teeth and gum – or in any other of our products.

For more than 15 years, the use of fluoride has been increasingly controversial, even by the WHO. Here are some links if you want to know more.

Fluoride: neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity 2014

Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia and other cognitive disorders affect millions of children worldwide and some diagnoses appear to be increasing in frequency. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have highlighted six other neurotoxins: manganese, fluorine, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), tetrachlorethylene, and polybromodiphenyl ethers. Of course, there are still other neurotoxicants to be discovered. To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy.

Diverse Effects

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death?

  1. Fluoride has been associated with increased risk of cancer. Read article
  2. Fluoride does not improve dental health. Read article
  3. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and causes calcification.  Read article
  4. 97% of Western Europe does not fluoridate their drinking water. Read article
  5. Fluoride causes reduced IQ and other neurological issues in children. Read article
  6. Fluoride adversely affects fertility. Read article
  7. Fluoride has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Read article

Why we don’t want titanium dioxide in our toothpastes?

Titanium dioxide is a white powder used as a colorant to whiten or intensify the shine of food products and cosmetics (E171 or TiO2).

It whitens the teeth but can have harmful effects on health and the environment when it is in the form of nanoparticles which enter the blood and are likely to generate oxidative stress, to weaken the immune system, to generate a intestinal porosity and pre-cancerous lesions of the colon …

We chose to use the walnut bark traditionally used in North Africa to clean teeth and gums and naturally whiten teeth.

In Europe, mistrust of this ingredient is much greater than in North America.

Why we don’t want foam in our toothpastes and our bath lotions?

Between the ‘pleasure’ of foam and prioritizing your safety, we did not hesitate. No corrosive chemical surfactants to lather as they strip our mouth and skin! Sodium Lauryl Sulfate for example increases the risk of inflammation and infection of the gums by generating canker sores, gingivitis, etc.

Why we don’t want triclosan in our products?

Widely used a few years ago, this powerful antibacterial agent has proven to be an endocrine disruptor in more ways than one: it would act not only on estrogen hormones, but also on thyroid function. In addition, it increases bacterial resistance to antibiotics and is very irritating. (toothpaste, soaps, disinfectants). Given the natural ingredients we use (essential oils, clays), there is no need to add chemical antimicrobial agents to just extend the shelf life of our products at the expense of health.

Why we don’t want sugar in any form in our toothpastes?

We are used to having our toothpaste foaming and sweet. A habit that may be cost effective quite quickly! Sugar is the poison of modern times. We managed to sell us the idea that we clean our mouths by introducing sugar while it is an ideal place of fermentation given the rich microflora in our mouth. Sugar has an acidic pH. It will inevitably end up unbalancing our oral flora by generating bad breath, weakening of the teeth (cavities) and gums (gingivitis), digestive problems, etc.

So we preferred to offer you a salty toothpaste because the salt reduces the risk of cavities because it is anti-microbial and because it helps to heal the gums (healing action).

Our toothpaste is deliberately salted, completely safe and perfectly edible. Sure it can take a while to get used to the clay and the salty taste. We invite you to give the product a chance by trying 3 days and you will then decide if the benefits obtained are worth it J)

Why our toothpastes are in jars and not in tubes?

Clay can dry out without adding a humectant. Which we did not add because it does not meet our vision to add Sodium hexametaphosphate E452i or Propylene glycol, for example. We chose the option of being able to add a few drops of pure water if the product begins to dry out.

Also in a jar the loss is zero compared to that of a tube (can reach 20%)

Finally, it allows you to add essential oils of your choice if you wish to.
In terms of hygiene, it is possible to use a stick to collect the paste. Otherwise the clay is bacteriostatic, that is to say that it naturally prevents the growth of bacteria. With traditional food preservation techniques we use (essential oils, plants, clays) our toothpaste is well protected for at least 18 months, the’ best before ’date being an indicator.

What is the shelf life of our products?

It may vary from 18 to 30 months depending on the product.
Clay solid products are the most sensitive, toothpastes and masks: 18 months
Emulsions Facial Cleansing Care, Under eye bag treatment, Body Veil: 24 months

Oily solutions or solid cream Youth Serum, Bath Lotion, Protective Cream, Lip Balm: 30 months

After this time, the product may lose its original scent or texture, but often retains its effectiveness. For example, past date power cream can be used on the feet.

How are Arganat™ Canada products versatile?

Tooth paste can help with pimples, small wounds, insect bites because of its antiseptic ingredients and clay helps stop bleeding.

The power cream also calms irritations and helps to heal.
The glamor mask can be used as a foundation if you mix a little with a drop of Youth Serum.

How are our essential oils selected?

All our essential oils are organic or wild. They are selected according to their traditionally recognized virtues, their smell, their impact on the skin, their impact on the mood, their method of extraction.

Why we create new products?

Each product was created for a specific need, at the request of relatives or customers.

Our customers have been asking us for a day cream for years. ‘Préciosa’ will be marketed before autumn 2020 after 2 years of testing on the founder herself who formulated it and on a willing and always enthusiastic relatives to try our products.

We are also working on creating new versions of some of our products for those who don’t like or can’t stand the bitter orange (neroli), rose, geranium, patchouli, jasmine essential oils.

Why we offer personalized service to our customers?

We are a company on a human scale. Our customers and our interaction with them is outstanding to us. We want them to feel respected, heard, and have their orders shipped in the best possible conditions. We are happy to offer them travel size products, either chosen by them or because we think it might suit them. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about the high shipping rates in Canada. But we do everything in our power to serve our customers well, wherever they are!